Your discomfort with doing something has no bearing on how good you are at it.
A thought error.
Being uncomfortable while doing something and being “bad” at something are not the same thing. Don’t conflate the two.
Recently, I had a chat with a client about a common thought error I see: equating comfort or ease with skill. She firmly believed she wasn't good at a task simply because it made her uncomfortable. But discomfort isn’t a measure of competence or skill.
Instead, it's the negative thoughts like ‘'I'm not good enough” that create the discomfort or self-doubt. Your emotions aren't proof of your beliefs—they're signals to question them. And it’s a vicious cycle to start using your emotions as proof that a thought you have is true because it’s an endless loop. You think the thought. You have the emotion. You believe the thought is true because of the emotion. Repeat. Over and over.
So, next time you feel uneasy or uncomfortable, don't buy into whatever your brain is telling you that unease or discomfort are proof of. Examine and challenge the belief instead.
A ❤️ note to you: This is the kind of stuff we do in coaching. Fix those thought errors that are having a negative impact on your life. If you want to start feeling more in control over your thoughts, feelings, and actions, sign up for a free call with me at On the call, we will (1) assess where you are now and where you want to be, (2) I’ll tell you how coaching can help get you there, and (3) you’ll decide whether you’re ready to move forward with changing your life.
I’m Jenn Deal. I am a life and career coach for women lawyers. You know how so many women lawyers struggle with feeling anxious, overwhelmed, unmotivated, or stuck? I help them feel in control over their lives and careers.
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